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The Comprehensive Guide to House Raising: Why, How, and When

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Can you picture your house being lifted above ground level? It might seem like an impossible idea, but it’s achievable through a process known as house raising.

House raising refers to the process of elevating an entire house or building from its existing foundation. Typically, this is done to raise the structure to a higher position above the ground. However, it is not solely about physically lifting the house; it involves a combination of engineering, construction, and renovation work to ensure the building remains stable and functional after the elevation.

People choose to raise their houses for various reasons, the most common being to protect them against flooding. You can reduce the risk of water damage to your property during heavy rains or floods by raising the house above the flood level. Thus, house raising is a construction technique that entails lifting a house for protective reasons. 

In this guide, we will discuss how and why homeowners and property developers consider house raising. However, to truly grasp house raising, it’s essential to understand some key terminologies.


This refers to the height at which a house is raised above its original position.


The base upon which a house sits. When raising a house, the foundation often needs reinforcement or replacement.


Temporary wooden structures that support a house while it’s being lifted.

History and Evolution House Raising

House raising, or house lifting, has its roots in ancient times. In the past, communities living in flood-prone areas would elevate their homes using stones, logs, and other available materials to protect against water damage. These early methods were basic but effective for their time.

However, with the advent of technology, houseraising has evolved significantly. Modern techniques use hydraulic jacks, steel beams, and advanced machinery, making the process safer, quicker, and more efficient.

But not every building can be lifted off the ground. So, which ones can?

Traditional Homes

Most commonly, homeowners raise their houses to prevent flood damage, especially in areas prone to rising water levels.

Commercial Buildings

Some businesses, especially those near coastlines or rivers, opt for this to safeguard their assets.

Historical Landmarks

Preserving historical structures is important. Sometimes, these landmarks are lifted to protect them from potential threats or to move them to safer locations.

Why Does House Raising Matters: The Reasons

Lifting a house reveal a new world of possibilities, offering homeowners the chance to expand their living space, be it for additional rooms, a garage, or recreational purposes. Moreover, for those possessing historic homes, this method provides a means to preserve architectural beauty while addressing contemporary challenges like foundation issues. 

In essence, house raising seamlessly marries the old with the new, ensuring homes are both functional and preserved.

Protecting Against Flooding

One of the primary reasons to consider house raising is to protect your property against the ever-present threat of flooding. With climate change leading to more frequent and severe weather events, floods are becoming an increasingly common occurrence. Elevating your home can be a robust defense mechanism, keeping your investment safe and secure.

Expanding Living Space

Another compelling reason to explore house raising is the opportunity to expand your living space. By lifting your home, you create an entirely new area beneath it. This space can be transformed into additional living quarters, a garage, or even a recreational area, greatly enhancing the utility and value of your property.

Preserving Historic Homes

For owners of historic homes, house raising presents an excellent option for preserving these architectural gems. It allows you to address foundation issues or potential flooding concerns while maintaining the historical integrity of the structure. This harmonious blend of tradition and modernity is a testament to the adaptability of house raising.

How to Raise a House: The Techniques

Raising a house is an intricate process that requires a blend of traditional methods and modern technology. Among the prevalent techniques is the pier and beam method, where homes are elevated using a combination of concrete piers and wooden beams. This method stands out for its adaptability across various terrains and soil types. 

Another age-old technique is cribbing, or “cribbing and blocking,” where wooden blocks are methodically stacked to lift the house, ensuring precision and stability. Hydraulic jacking has emerged as a game-changer on the cutting-edge side of things. Hydraulic jacks can raise houses gradually, ensuring minimal structural disturbance and a swift completion time.

Pier and Beam

One of the most common methods for house raising is the pier and beam technique. This involves elevating the house by placing it on a system of concrete piers and wooden beams. The key advantage of this method is its versatility, as it can be used on various types of soil and terrains.


Cribbing, also known as “cribbing and blocking,” is another method employed in house raising. Here, a series of cribs or wooden blocks are stacked strategically to lift the house. This technique is often chosen when precision and stability are paramount.

Hydraulic Jacking

Modern technology has introduced hydraulic jacking as a highly efficient house-raising method. It involves the use of hydraulic jacks to elevate the house gradually. This technique minimizes disruption to the structure and can be completed relatively quickly.

When to Consider House Raising: The Decision

A combination of necessity and aspiration often drives the decision to raise a house. Homes grappling with foundation woes, such as noticeable settling or cracks, can greatly benefit from elevation, allowing for thorough foundation repairs and ensuring the dwelling’s enduring stability. 

For those nestled in flood-vulnerable zones or areas where climate change poses a tangible threat, house raising emerges as a proactive measure to ward off potential water damage. Beyond these pragmatic reasons, house raising can also be an architect’s dream during extensive renovations. 

Elevating the structure can unlock a plethora of design opportunities, transforming the home’s layout and enhancing its overall utility.

Foundation Issues

It may be time to contemplate house raising if your home is experiencing foundation problems, such as settling, cracking, or unevenness. Lifting the house allows for comprehensive foundation repairs, ensuring the long-term stability of your property.

Flood-Prone Areas

Preemptive house raising is a wise decision if you reside in an area prone to flooding or anticipate future risks due to climate change. Elevating your home can safeguard it against potential water damage.

Renovation and Expansion

When planning extensive renovations or expansions, seize the opportunity to raise your house. This opens up a world of possibilities for redesigning your living space and enhancing the overall functionality of your property.

Benefits of House Raising

Beyond flood protection, it can increase property value, provide additional living or storage space, and even reduce insurance premiums in some areas.

Potential Risks and Challenges

Like any major project, house raising comes with its set of challenges. These might include potential damage to the structure, landscaping disruptions, and the need for temporary relocation.

Expanding the Space

For those looking to expand their living space or undergo renovations, house raising presents exciting possibilities. Elevating the house can create additional room underneath, whether for storage, a garage, or even extra living quarters. This expansion potential can add both functional space and value to your property.

It offers a blend of practicality and opportunity. From flood protection and foundation restoration to space expansion and architectural preservation, this technique empowers homeowners to enhance their cherished properties’ functionality, value, and durability.

The Process of House Raising

  • Assess property conditions and choose a lifting method.
  • Use hydraulic jacks or cribbing to lift the house gradually.
  • Place temporary supports to maintain elevation.
  • Conduct foundation repairs and adjust utilities.
  • Carefully lower the house onto the new foundation.
  • Remove temporary supports and complete the finishing touches.

Hire a Professional

Choosing a professional is a decision that demands careful consideration, given the intricate nature of the task. First and foremost, it’s essential to prioritize experience. Seek out professionals with a proven track record in the field, as this speaks to their expertise and ability to handle unforeseen challenges. 

Next, ensure that the professional is licensed and insured. This safeguards your property and provides peace of mind, knowing that you’re entrusting your home to a legitimate expert. 


House raising is a multifaceted solution with profound implications for homeowners and property developers. It serves as a protective measure against flooding, a means to expand living space, and a way to preserve historic homes. By understanding the techniques and recognizing when to consider house raising, you can make informed decisions to secure your property’s future.

At Foundation MD, we have experienced professionals to handle all your requirements. Get in touch with Foundation MD for free consultation today!

Remember, house raising is a significant undertaking, and partnering with a communicative and experienced professional can make all the difference.